Appraisal Service

Trustworthy Appraisal Services for Coins, Gold, & Silver in Midland, TX

With over 40 years in the gold and silver bullion and coin industry, Preacherbill’s Coins in Midland, TX can give you an honest appraisal. Our trusted appraisals can help you keep an up-to-date evaluation of your collections for yourself and for insurance purposes.

A binder of coins for Preacherbill's Coins in Midland, TX

Why Get an Appraisal?

Coin collection appraisals can help you know the value of your coins in preparation to sell or for insurance policies that may need to know the worth of your valuables. Appraisals help prepare you before a sale because you will know what would be a fair selling price and help you possibly even get a profit. If you are preparing to sell your collection, numismatists will advise you of the right selling process for you and your goals. Finally, gold and silver appraisals can also give you peace of mind regarding the quality and authenticity of your collections.

Appraisal Process

Our staff will analyze each and every coin, looking at the condition and the year it was produced. We will also look for anything that may make the value of the coin increase like misspellings or incorrect dates. Please do not attempt to clean or remove your coins from albums, as this can cause damage and lower the value. We will also appraise your gold or silver jewelry and antiques!

Need more information? Call us at 432.222.0160 to speak with one of our experts.


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